This one comes from a “Grant Traveler” bag. The front is a
matte green, with the brand name in flowing cursive. Vera Bradley is known for
its bright, colorful prints, and the stores are awash in sunny pastels. Thus,
the single tone hang tag is somewhat incongruous. The cursive is well executed.
It is flowing and full of flourish, which calls to mind letters written by well-heeled
ladies, exactly the clientele that Vera Bradley markets too.
The reverse is plain as well. The product name leads, but
almost more important for a Vera Bradley is the “pattern” name. Here we have
Boysenberry. The names of the patterns deserve their own column, surely, but in
this context they can be understood as tangentially descriptive. Still, Vera
Bradley has done a good job of setting up both a “buy the matching set” and a “collect
them all” approach to their color schemes.
I like this tag. It is unexpected, as high end luxury goods
often spawn the overdone, unnecessary hang tags. Here, Vera Bradley is
understated, with simple elegancy. I also appreciate the somewhat stark, but
entirely practical, reverse side. The only issue I have with this type of a
hang tag is that on larger items (such as luggage pieces) it has the potential
to easily be lost in the folds. In a store that sells Vera Bradley exclusively,
this is fine, but anywhere else it becomes problematic. Also, for the dedicated
gift buyer, these small hang tags can easily become a nightmare. Nonetheless,
this is overall a nicely done hang tag.
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